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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 15:12 
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A new road safety concept - MOMENTUM EXISTS has been concieved

See what you think... being a new concept, will take majority a little time to click... but hat is going to be the fun bit of the idea.
A website is being developed:
A facebook page exists: ... 0638137400

FB Page gives:
Posters (to date)
Aims & Objectives
THe Science Bit (brief intro to momentum)
How you can help

Feed back and ideas welcome.... The concept is 'heavyish' but thought to be appropriate to road safety and fun to develop and promote over time to general road users.... pending development and funding links etc.

Cheers Stephen

Facebook Page: Road Safety Concept - MOMENTUM EXISTS

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 16:28 
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I'm sure someone else will welcome you :wink:

Not entirely clear what the point is here but...

NOTE: momentum is the force that can bend metal and bend people, if you don't control it safely.

You leave yourself rather open there using scientific formulas and then referring to momentum as a force. :headbash:

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 19:40 

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Are you sure that a moving vehicle has no momentum?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 23:32 
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Momentum is a minor concept in road safety.
Something far more critical is driver awareness and reaction. The ability of other road users to interact safely and predictably is equally important.

Why treat the symptoms instead of applying the cure?

Views expressed are personal opinions and are not necessarily shared by the Safe Speed campaign

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 03:20 
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:welcome: Stephenn

We are very happy to debate all road safety issues here, and in as much scientific data as we can all provide. :)

momentum noun
the force that keeps an object moving or keeps an event developing after it has started
Once you push it, it keeps going under its own momentum.
The spacecraft will fly round the Earth to gain/gather momentum for its trip to Jupiter.
The play loses momentum (= becomes less interesting, energetic, etc.) by its half-way stage.
In an attempt to give new momentum to their plans, the committee set a date for starting detailed discussions.
I have looked at your 'Cave Wall Media' website and the links you give.
I'd like to step back to the Taxi concept first, which is where this seems to have stemmed from.
Taxi Concept: you state :
(& I trust you don't mind my quoting the section below?)
CaveWallMedia - taxi wrote:
Section one allows reference to date and name.
Section two gives a visually easy 'tick-box' choice of 'smooth', 'good', 'bad', 'ugly for the 'drive' and for the 'driver'.
Section three is the main 'comments' area. This is a reasonable size so as to allow an easy writing area, to account for the awkward and limited space inside the car.
There are 100 pages, each with 3 visitor-feedback areas, giving a total of 300 comments to be collected.

road safety and physics elements
A short (several sentences) 'preface' page has been included (Second Edition), which introduces a 'visitor' to the basics (of a good taxi service) that make up a good drive and a good driver... hence a good service.
A short (several sentences) 'the science of smooth' page has been included, (from Third Edition), which introduces a 'visitor' to the basics of the physics behind a smooth drive. The combination of reading either or both of the above is often enough to stimulate conversation, educate, intrigue, amuse and/or bemuse, regarding drivers good work, good service.... good driving.

Smooth driving, good driving.
I am interested in what you understand about what good driving consists of?
Why 'target' taxi's initially? Who is your audience aimed at and what result do you expect?
Who provided the reasoning and psychology behind the presented concept ?

Safe Speed for Intelligent Road Safety through proper research, experience & guidance.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 03:43 
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Thanks for time n thoughts.....

ed_m wrote:
I'm sure someone else will welcome you
Not entirely clear what the point is here but...
NOTE: momentum is the force that can bend metal and bend people, if you don't control it safely.
You leave yourself rather open there using scientific formulas and then referring to momentum as a force.
ed_m you are correct.... have been seeking a short punchy way of applying MOMENTUM to relate to bending of people and metal (crash)..... and you are correct in pointing out re relationship of momentum and force.....
I think a ressolve is to include the word "change".... it is indeed the change of momentum that is the force.

The fun bit is trying to get a comples issue into as simplified phrase.... and still have it mention known issues such as safety and crashing..... much appreciated for your point.

civil engineer wrote:
Are you sure that a moving vehicle has no momentum?
Hi civil engineer.
NOOOOO! (please point out if I have mis-printed anyway)
The MOMENTUM EXISTS sciency bit states:
* a moving vehicle HAS momentum
* a stationary vehicle has NO momentum
This is actually a crucial point.... please point out any mis-print or some oversight on my behalf that led you to your said (opposite) grasp. Thanks

Facebook Page: Road Safety Concept - MOMENTUM EXISTS

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 04:03 
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Steve wrote:
Momentum is a minor concept in road safety.
Something far more critical is driver awareness and reaction. The ability of other road users to interact safely and predictably is equally important.
Why treat the symptoms instead of applying the cure?
Steve... minor concept? this is just opinion.... I should point out I have posted this under the humble forum title of "Improving Road Safety" and not a heading of "one big UBER idea to save the planet" :)
I agree with your criticle points.... all you mention are wholesome points relating to safer drivers, mentality etc.... but your wholesome words and thoughts are tooooo long for a POSTER
The MOMENTUM EXISTS was thought of (to start JUST ME ...but growing steadily) as a bottom line type of meaning.... the fun bit would be the ongoing education... stimulation of converstation etc etc as more info and how it applies to road safety is designed and printed and distributed....

It may well indeed be too heavy.... but I consider there are ways to educate the public in a way they can learn.... and make a little improvement on road safety... in its unique way

Facebook Page: Road Safety Concept - MOMENTUM EXISTS

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 05:04 
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SafeSpeedv2 wrote:
We are very happy to debate all road safety issues here, and in as much scientific data as we can all provide.
Hi SafeSpeedv2
Thanks for observations.... re CWM... this has lots of concept projects (not all published on the site)
The two you refer two are:
1. Taxi Visitors Book
2. Road Safety Concept - Momentum Exists.... placed here for airing (and honing!)

The TVB was drummed up just to perhaps give me a little side income.... A visitors book in a taxi... and for a bit of fun.... I potter around in a private hire to finance my studies BSc.Hons Underwater Science and then (now) media studies.
I designed the book and ran the first and second edition in my car (third edition with the physics not published yet)... to see how it functioned etc... kept getting similar comments about smooth drive, comfy drive, safe drive, anticipates well, smooth drive etc etc.

For a bit of banter fun I popped a bit of physics (maths) with the words "all down to exponential breaking... as you do".... and the discussions, arguments (healthy debates) began about smooth, about speed, about accelleration, about mass, about momentum etc.... this was with just general public....

It was no more than discussing simply about anticipation of what is happening around the car and also smooth ac & de celleration.... (Good road safety pointers).... except I got the debates going with science terms... and the public engaged.

The book itself is just really a visitors book to get a few pounds to supplement income.... but the notion of momentum seemed to be a good "area" to pitch a road safety concept... albeit quite a new "angle"

..... so I pitched the Road Safety Concept - MOMENTUM EXISTS with base info and its FB Page to float the idea.... and see... which is where this is at :)

Facebook Page: Road Safety Concept - MOMENTUM EXISTS

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 06:46 
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TY for the more detailed responses. I applaud your interest in driving and your desire to improve other people's interest in it too.

Many people here are from many professional walks of life, but neigh all with a passionate interest in driving / riding or both.

I should perhaps point out that my forum contains many highly qualified engineers many which hold senior positions within their automotive and other industries.
Mentioning momentum therefore is a very specific definition, and to potentially dilute it for public consumption in a dumb-down manner is highly likely to be thoroughly discussed within these walls.

We have a great interest here in motivation of safety and how that can be improved and expressed. We may often establish precisely what the cause is as this helps to identify all following factors, which as a scientist I am sure you can appreciate.
What science have you studied.

Let me put a little of this to you :
A passenger in a taxi wants a few basic things :
1) to arrive at their destination safely 2) on time (and collected on time) when this is a factor 3) good value for money - all else is 'extra'.

Other factors : they may not wish to talk to you, they may not drive, nor care one bit about how to get them to the desired destination and conversely they may care immensely.
They might be highly concerned that you have produced a book to help talk to you, and distract you from the very task that you ought to be concentrating on to ensure their, and your safety.
Most taxi drivers are professional drivers and if a passenger starts to mark them 'down' a second trip, might see an argument? Why ? Psychology. People are very protective of how they drive and how they control their space. An excellent driver will barely make you (as a passenger) aware of any road environment issue and you arrive safe and sound, with not a single (even slightly) harsh stop.
Many drivers will or might, take great offence to their driving, techniques being questioned. Most professional drivers talk about how 'others' drive not how they do so. It crossed the 'comfortable' boundary do you not think? Most do not know the fare or the driver so how can you 'judge' if any comments are fair or justified. Will your driving ability and concentration go up or down, if in the first mile I have criticised your driving 10 times ?
Some people cannot read or write in a moving vehicle too, so do you ask your fare to spend extra time filling it in, when you stop, or post it back to you?

So ... that is one side and a tiny fraction of what we can discuss.

Who are you really trying to 'reach'? All drivers = never happen, why because it is too broad. Many experienced drivers see straight through the momentum and see the real issues, and perhaps ponder, why collate it under this specific (momentum) umbrella ? What is the real intention ? IMHO momentum is quite specific and your approach seems to use it as a 'concept block'. (If that is fair?)

Don't get me wrong I like that you are trying and doing something. However every time any educational media (book in this case) is placed into the public, the whole design and approach will appeal to some and be hated by others. However and hence why specific colours, fonts, style, approach, flow, age level and comprehension ability are considered before publishing. So ... 'something' turns into a very specific approach to produce real and tangible results. Then you have gold, which is what I think you (and we) all seek ? :)

Safe Speed for Intelligent Road Safety through proper research, experience & guidance.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 22:04 
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stephenn wrote:
Steve wrote:
Momentum is a minor concept in road safety.
Something far more critical is driver awareness and reaction. The ability of other road users to interact safely and predictably is equally important.
Why treat the symptoms instead of applying the cure?
Steve... minor concept? this is just opinion.... I should point out I have posted this under the humble forum title of "Improving Road Safety" and not a heading of "one big UBER idea to save the planet" :)
I agree with your criticle points.... all you mention are wholesome points relating to safer drivers, mentality etc.... but your wholesome words and thoughts are tooooo long for a POSTER

C.O.A.S.T. :)

stephenn wrote:
The MOMENTUM EXISTS was thought of (to start JUST ME ...but growing steadily) as a bottom line type of meaning

TBH, I'm not sure I 'get' what you are trying to convey with that phrase.

Views expressed are personal opinions and are not necessarily shared by the Safe Speed campaign

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 17:03 
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thanks for notes... I studied Oceanography through Open University first and always describe their abilty to teach and invoke relative material of great substance as "sitting at a banquette, hungry for nutrition and being told tuckin to all you can eat"... it was fantastic, a privilege. I then undertook a full time degree in BSc Hons Underwater Science (oceanography based but specialising on the physical elements of ocean and life and some commercial potentials). I describe the latter study as having an economical amount of corn grains scattered around and told... "that's all I got.... go fetch"....
Reason for above para.... your notes are as the Open Uni... a feast of good and reletive substance.... thanks :)

The taxi visitors book venture.... has, with market research, been limited to only be a platform for the visitor book elements (2nd Edition). Even this carries a suggestion to that keep it in the glove box for perhaps just those 'chosen' occasions... and the note that it is not an official document, but a bit of fun. (you covered a lot of observations that were indeed in the conclusions to the in car testing and so let it fizzle to just that level)

The Momentum Exists venture.... was in 1st edition of TVB (just my copy for bit of research)... but was taken out of 2nd Ed because was too heavy to came from the book and from taxi drivers only as a focus point.... As this in itself I deemed a touch on the 'unwise', 3rd ed is not released yet.... and indeed has a big stamp on the venture folder as WRONG PLATFORM!?

Then came up with this platform... the www connection... Facebook Page
I consider this to be a healthy platform to pitch the concept from, as is Work-In-Progress and is accesible, away from the road, to wide spectrum of perusers with the ability to chip in and so help prove ,or disprove, its worth.... even in a later, evolution.

I decided MOMMENTUM EXISTS as a good 'base phrase'.... because a good range of road safety driving predicaments are within the physics of m and v.... as p=mv, then p got the tag line.

With the help of visual posters and more explanatory magazine, newspaper, video, youtube type of educative information, I thought the public would be intrigued to become familiar with MOMENTUM EXISTS followed by a novel or known [mv involvment to road safety]

[none of these negate any function of good work that has educated road users to date... just adds another element, a fresh angle... perhaps]

p = mv

overloading a vehicle.... messing with m.... a road safety danger when the vehicle moves around our roads... moving, this vehicle has mometum and is errant with consideration to the m bit

colliding with small children even at 30mph... messing with v... only a road safety danger when the vehicle is moving at ANY speed around relevant roadsways... Moving, the vehicle has momentum and if impact with child, then is errant with v... having a direction... not necesserily the v of the car... a child running out in front of a car has v... prudent drivers already reduce speed and watch, anticipate for children running out... but the key issue, good or bad driver, is still v... the direction element

tail gating.... messing with v... only a road safety danger when the vehicle moves around our roads... Moving, the vehicle has momentum and is errant in consideration to the v bit... primarily the speed bit of v (speed being a distance time relation and tailgaters dont have enough of either)... also the direction element of v (the vector bit) in as much as the change of direction in swerving to avoid collision, from close up, is grosly excessive and a danger to not just the car in front, but to anything either side at the swerve area.... swerving is a v thing.

stopping distances... can be similar to above... can also be messing with m... take the 2 second rule... take a car and say the 2 second rule suitable... take the same car, add full passengers, luggage and a caravan and the rule should change to 3 or 4... because you have messed with m

p = mv :)

Making the notion work at general public level will take consideration and effort... the point of this MOMENTUM EXISTS concept is to prove or disprove its worth... in some small way, in amongst all the existing great work going on to get and keep our road users and road areas safe.
If you have made it to the end here... well done :)

Facebook Page: Road Safety Concept - MOMENTUM EXISTS

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 17:25 
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Steve wrote:
Thanks for the link.... It's concise, it has topdollar substance, nice effort to compile. :)
Steve wrote:
stephenn wrote:
The MOMENTUM EXISTS was thought of (to start JUST ME ...but growing steadily) as a bottom line type of meaning
TBH, I'm not sure I 'get' what you are trying to convey with that phrase.
p = mv and I reasoned a lot of road safety predicaments are due to messing with m and v... as p was the combination of mv... p got the tag title (from which mv is considered in series of posters, articles... etc etc, for appropriate subject... tailgating, speeding, cornering, skidding etc etc).

explained a little more in post above
cheers again for C.O.A.S.T link info

Facebook Page: Road Safety Concept - MOMENTUM EXISTS

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 20:25 
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hummmm... looks like trying to fit examples to the theme ?

danger through overloading is surely at least as much a hazard due to tyre overloading as to having extra momentum.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 23:22 
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ed_m wrote:
hummmm... looks like trying to fit examples to the theme ?
more circular than just your line... the theme was thought of because some examples (all around mv) seemed to fit p (so a theme chosen)... wise to verify... now add your line.
remember the concept is out to air the idea..... the 'examples' bit, is a healthy way of putting info out for other minds to consider, challenge, tweek, expand, verify, refine, etc.
remember the concept is out to air the idea..... the 'fit' bit will prove or disprove its worth

ed_m wrote:
danger through overloading is surely at least as much a hazard due to tyre overloading as to having extra momentum.
yep quite so... also excess pressure on suspentions etc... all include the gravity x mss = weight.
also incorrect loading. we had a discussion on this relating to a caravan (not overloaded) but with load up front of axles, so adding more load on car rear axle & tyres and less load on car front axles and tyres.... all not good... and all including the gravity x mass = weight.
I've looked on notes and it stands at the moment as extra loading (so within constraints)... difference in mass of an empty lorry compared to same lory fully (legal limits) loaded.... same with family car and same family car pulling legal load caravan.
the example should have benn put as the 'extra loaded'

Facebook Page: Road Safety Concept - MOMENTUM EXISTS

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 23:23 
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Momentum (as has been explained to me by a top high performance driving consultant (also teaches anti-hijack driving too ...) is not the factor involved when someone spins off the road as has been more commonly thought.

Whilst momentum is 'at play' when one travels no one has said that it doesn't exist. To me saying 'Momentum Exists' implies that you feel that it needs 'defending', but you are using it to explain (questionably IMHO) how to drive well. Now that doesn't sit well with me because it is not about bettering driver or rider behaviours, it is not improving abilities nor knowledge nor skills. It seems more like a confusing way to explain why people should always be able to : Stop comfortably on your side of the road in the distance that you know to be clear.

When travelling in this manner, it always ensures that the driver / rider is fully aware of all environmental conditions. and that they can stop within a good safe distance, from any potential hazards that may present.
A driver (rider) is our best road safety asset. :lol:

check out :

Whilst a phrase can be 'modernised' to help be more appealing perhaps it might lose its strength and precise meaning, so I tend to stick with them. I can understand the very worthy desire to educate and give fresh approach to explaining how to travel safely.
I think if momentum was sitting alongside other aspects of physics that occur when we travel, it would be more accurate and so more acceptable, and as a result it would work better because it is following physics accurately.

[As an aside having swum with dolphins and having kept marine topical fish and octopus, I can understand your interests in this area.]

Safe Speed for Intelligent Road Safety through proper research, experience & guidance.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 01:29 
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SafeSpeedv2 wrote:
Momentum (as has been explained to me by a top high performance driving consultant (also teaches anti-hijack driving too ...) is not the factor involved when someone spins off the road as has been more commonly thought.
Can he get me a drive on touring cars somewhere? :) (not hi-jack one though).
Bit more physics at more extreme travelling.... but momentum is still a factor... the v in p=mv has both a speed and a direction aware... a vector.... if you travel at high speed ahead then turn left a bit sharpish... lots of extra physics... (involving such things as co-efficiency of friction type stuff, tyre stickiness and areodynamic downforce)... occurs and if the total of the grippy bit physics is less than required to force the car to continue changing direction to the left.... the velocity (the v bit of momentum) of the car (no matter which way it is facing, will be the direction of travel... even a spinning car has a straight line velocity unless it starts bouncing off things.

Hi performance for speed means you can dial in the momentum at extraordinary rates (the driver will testify to this... will be pinned back in seat as car is first to have momentum transfered... the internal organs will be pinned back in the body as the body is ahead of these to have the momentum transferred).... The vehicles have mega efficient brakes.... so they can dial the momentum out of the vehicle at extraordinary rates (ask the driver to testify to this as the opposite of car, body and organs occurs).

Interestingly.... if you ask a rally driver, they may be aquainted to "driving the actual momentum of their vehicle" (seldom pointing the direction of true travel)... driving the vector (the v bit) :)

Back to MomEx
m and v are not the extent of physics.....
m is mass, v is velocity which is a speed and a direction....
so the physics is limited to mass, speed with direction aware

if it turns out drivers (road drivers) are responsible for the m and v of the vehicle they are in charge of....
is it beyond their intelligence to be introduced/educated to use these terms... and stimulate conversation on the subject of road awareness.... perhaps on things they already know.... but with new terms.... where appropriate of course

new terminology for perhaps known situations = new conversations = perhaps fresh or refresh awareness - perhaps those EXTRA conversations, bunging in objectives such as mass speed with direction awareness, in stead of, or to augment more subjective sentences.

:!: I watched a sea anemone (as you do).... tear itself in two (longitudinal fission).... then each half curled around and sealed itself up..... in the morning there was one.... in the afternoon there was two... cool planet.

Facebook Page: Road Safety Concept - MOMENTUM EXISTS

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 16:12 
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This all sounds like an incredibly complicated thing with which to describe a simple road safety concept. If you needed to know the technical details and physics behind riding a bike, most of us would never have learnt. As Steve puts it so well...

Steve wrote:
Momentum is a minor concept in road safety.
Something far more critical is driver awareness and reaction. The ability of other road users to interact safely and predictably is equally important.

Why treat the symptoms instead of applying the cure?

stephenn wrote:
I watched a sea anemone (as you do).... tear itself in two (longitudinal fission).... then each half curled around and sealed itself up..... in the morning there was one.... in the afternoon there was two... cool planet.
A woman did that to my heart once. :P

The views expressed in this post are personal opinions and do not necessarily represent the views of Safe Speed.
You will be branded a threat to society by going over a speed limit where it is safe to do so, and suffer the consequences of your actions in a way criminals do not, more so than someone who is a real threat to our society.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 17:26 

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Have you two hearts now, Tone? .... ;-)

Mind you you do come over as pretty big hearted... :lol:

My views do not represent Safespeed but those of a driver who has driven for 39 yrs, in all conditions, at all times of the day & night on every type of road and covered well over a million miles, so knows a bit about what makes for safety on the road,what is really dangerous and needs to be observed when driving and quite frankly, the speedo is way down on my list of things to observe to negotiate Britain's roads safely, but I don't expect some fool who sits behind a desk all day to appreciate that.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 23:28 
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Not trying to look for problems ,but - "Momentum exists " , seems something like another snappy saying "Speed kILLS ".
Problem is that no one ever sat down and thought about "SAFETY EXISTS"-like when all road users are in harmony over their right to treat each other as equals, looking out for the safety of all .
Speed is not treated as the be all and end all of road safety .
Road safety is maximised when all road users are educated to expect that other users will do the unexpected ,and allow for that fact .
The current road safety policy seems hell bent on setting the various grades of road users against each other ,to the detriment of road safety ,when in fact the common interest would be best served by all road users combining to look out for the safety of all .
But then ,when road safety is left to the professionals - who can only see the pieces ,as opposed to those who've been on the roads for decades . ( I could mention submariners -but that would only get us more letters on police headed notepaper)

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 04:00 
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Why the concentration on momentum ?
I think Big Tone makes a very valid point too when he writes,
Big Tone wrote:
If you needed to know the technical details and physics behind riding a bike, most of us would never have learnt. As Steve puts it so well...
.. and then quotes Steve's valid points, that you have yet to debate?
I think that when people drive or ride, we don't think too much about all the mechanics (although I probably do more than most as it happens) but what makes a good driver/rider, and how much does 'momentum' and any learning thereof benefit their abilities to drive more safely?
Might I be correct in thinking too that you think that momentum resolves down to the fundamental issue with travelling 'safely'?
stephenn wrote:
SafeSpeedv2 wrote:
Momentum (as has been explained to me by a top high performance driving consultant (also teaches anti-hijack driving too ...) is not the factor involved when someone spins off the road as has been more commonly thought.
Can he get me a drive on touring cars somewhere? :) (not hi-jack one though).
Sadly he has al but retired from direct instruction but still consults with various high up authorities.
stephenn wrote:
Bit more physics at more extreme travelling.... but momentum is still a factor... the v in p=mv has both a speed and a direction aware... a vector.... if you travel at high speed ahead then turn left a bit sharpish... lots of extra physics...
The crucial point here isn't the physics but the way in which the person failed to read the road and 'turn a bit sharpish' in the first place. So if I was sitting in the vehicle and discussing it the conversation to help would not be about the physics involved but their failure to observe, consider, anticipate ... and perhaps about skid control had things gone from bad to worse.
Even had they already understood the physics of movement, the fact that they failed to apply proper vehicle control makes the safety difference.
Knowledge is good, but many cannot put that into practice but might agree that it sounds 'good'.
stephenn wrote:
even a spinning car has a straight line velocity unless it starts bouncing off things.
But a skilled driver/rider may control the skid without any understanding of the physics but do so by feel and experience.
How much value do you credit to experience over pure theory if they were pitched against each other ?
stephenn wrote:
Hi performance for speed means you can dial in the momentum at extraordinary rates (the driver will testify to this... will be pinned back in seat as car is first to have momentum transfered... the internal organs will be pinned back in the body as the body is ahead of these to have the momentum transferred)....
Whilst one might use all the power that a vehicle can give, it is balanced and carefully considered with every current and important factor - when done well by a skilled good driver.
In fact the organs are the last to react not first being the third injury in accidents.
However high performance driving is way beyond what you are proposing here (although always interesting to discuss - in another topic). :)
But I will just say- that is taught though experience, (some classroom theory to show certain aspects), and to gain knowledge and increase ability, awareness, attitude, appreciation, fine tune anticipation, observation, control, comprehension etc ...
stephenn wrote:
The vehicles have mega efficient brakes.... so they can dial the momentum out of the vehicle at extraordinary rates (ask the driver to testify to this as the opposite of car, body and organs occurs).
The brakes which I agree may be larger and more efficient in what maybe considered high performance vehicles, but have little to do with being a better and safer driver. If you rely on brakes alone to stop you then one would not be considered very good! Of course some high performance can be achieved through slower vehicles as it can be technique that can give an 'edge', in some situations, than car 'performance'.
stephenn wrote:
if it turns out drivers (road drivers) are responsible for the m and v of the vehicle they are in charge of....
IF of course drivers are responsible for their actions, in the same way if I travel one step. :) We have tests to try and ensure that we can travel safely when we are in a motor vehicle. When we were kids we were taught how to behave from school and parents teachings. The way that our culture places the burden of habits and expectations onto each generation helps to motivate and continue those expectations.
stephenn wrote:
is it beyond their intelligence to be introduced/educated to use these terms... and stimulate conversation on the subject of road awareness.... perhaps on things they already know.... but with new terms.... where appropriate of course
Ah well here in lies the heart of your concept. Yes, it is beyond most people interest. They may understand the facts when explained but not relate it or remember it's significance when actually driving to the shops or to work.
stephenn wrote:
new terminology for perhaps known situations = new conversations = perhaps fresh or refresh awareness - perhaps those EXTRA conversations, bunging in objectives such as mass speed with direction awareness, in stead of, or to augment more subjective sentences.
Whilst it is not impossible, ti will be hard and cost a lot of time and effort for the real achievements IMHO. However, does it 'matter' to tell people in this way, when other more easily understood and appreciated phrases already exist to improve road safety ? :)

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