First of all -
lockinvar wrote:
Why do some drivers speed regulaly :- answer because the chances of being caught are lower odds than the chances of winning the lottery
Perhaps if you do a bit more reading on here ,you'll find that if it's a lot of drivers ignoring the posted limit ,that the limit is set by political decision, not for practical reasons .(Suggest you read up on 85th percentile) .
No one on here advocates speeding, that's a myth propagated by the speed kills brigade . Then again ,another suggested piece of reading is the definition of a "safe speed" .
lockinvar wrote:
Speeders claim that speed cameras are there just to raise extra revenue:- IF YOU DO NOT SPEED THEN YOU PAY NOTHING FOR PASSING A SPEED CAMERA
Can you suggest another good reason for their existence . If that argument is true ,then why did the last government remove local authorities right to claim "expenses" from the money raised . Possibly because LA decided that the trough was deep enough for a little bit of "culinary accountancy",AND CENTRAL gOV'T SAW THROUGH THAT LITTLE PLOY. Stats are used to prove the need for cameras - but those stats prove nothing. It's easy to use a bad accident year to prove that use of cameras (in an accident free year ) worked.( Look at RTTM)
lockinvar wrote:
I advocate the increase in the use of speed cameras especially in built up areas & ideally would be as often as street lighting, remove all speed bumps as they do no use at all & are just an inconvenience to all drivers.
Before the introduction of cameras ,this country already had an excellent safety deterrent -the professional Traffic cop. They didn't just dish out tickets, their job was ROAD SAFETY - education and enforcement . Read some of the posts by IG- a now retired traffic senior officer.You will learn a lot of road craft from his posts.
Don't pre judge- look at the evidence for education & training on this site. Then look again at the half truths propagated by the speed kills brigade.
Then ask yourself - which driver is safer - one driving 1 mph below the limit at all times, blindly believing that they are "safe" , or one driving to the road conditions ( possibly a lot slower than the limit minder) , but with eyes open to the conditions.
Speed doesn't cause problems. Excess speed for the conditions is like letting a five year old play with a loaded gun .