.....on a bright and sunny morning, getting into a gleaming new polished car, pulling ono the road and driving. Simply driving. No Gatso's. No talivans. No other minor distactions from driving your car correctly, as you've been taught. No tailgaters. No poinless roadmarkings. No road signs that don't appear in the Highway code, no roads made dangerous to 'slow' drivers down. Just common sense and good manners from all road users................then I woke up.
The alarm sounding in my ear, at 04:30. My toe being stubbed on the bedroom door, the hot water emerser failing. A cold shower, soap in the eyes. A cold breakfast, muslei with the milk slightly sour, as the power has been off all night, a panic clearout of the fridge. Leave for Wantage late, drive via Devizes, Marlborough and Hungerford, (A4 - A338) driving safely and with total due care and consideration, observing far behind and well infront. Over taken by by drivers well in excess of 80 Mph on an 'A' class road, no problem, road empty. Good luck to them. Get to Charlton Road, Wantage 60.7 miles later. A white van on the right hand side. No forward markings, or forwarnings. Instinct brake, too late. Talivan. B*****d. 37mph in a 30mph zone. Bugger! Slowed down ever since.
I don't feel any safer. Completed yet another driving course extolling the virtues of speed awareness. Passed yet another defensive drivng course.........oh, whats the point..judged on 0003% of my driving year. Wish I could be around for the Talivan drivers when they get it wrong!
Great website. Excellent forum. Wish I could match some of the sage ideas, but too depressed to even try! I used to love driving. But the b*****ds have ruined it for the most punitive reasons.....sorry need another prozac.
S'cuse me
Mr Binks
Virtute Ac Labore