Mike Keegan reports in MEN - 11 October.
Ye Gods .. in the name of "road safety" on a road which was "identified as the accident hot spot in Manchester Centre"
St Mary's Gate in Manchester. They decided to install "rise and fall bollards" after identifying this road as "danger"
They have sensors which detect buses and allow these through and then the bollard rises up to bar cars and bikes even. Not sure about bicycles
Though critical mass might be "interesting" to observe here
But.. they don't - er - work in a safety orientated fashion...
On Monday .. A First Bus BUS got marooned when the bollards shot up in front of it. One second later and the bus driver would have had this up his bottom
(I jest not ...
On Monday a woman in a brand new 4x4 came close to losing her baby girl when - as stranger to the city - she followed the bus and the bollard shot up through the chassis of her car - narrowly missing her daughter.
On Thursday - a disabled driver spotted a disabled bay beyond these bollards .. and drove through to get to the parking bay
She had seen the bollards and asked via an intercom if she could be allowed to drive through
Just as she finished the call ... the bollard shot up in front of her.. and damaged the front grill of her. car.
Apparently these bollards work between 11 am and 7 pm seven days per week - and there have been reports before in the MEN that cars have entered just before 11 am and been marooned and even harpooned in the past.
Jobsworthy councillor apparently car hating zealots claim drivers "tailgate the buses to use the road way and should be prosecuted for undue care and attention for driving in the short stretch which I understand to be near to the M&S store from the paper.
[quote=MEN comment"]
The telescopic bollards are getting a fearsome reputation as the bullies of Manchester City Centre. They added 4 more victims in just 5 days.
The council's stance is that drivers breaching the rules are getting the summary justice "they richly deserve"
However, the evidence suggests that the system urgently needs to be re-appraised. One victim believes these will kill someone one day.
We cannot believe that all of the many motorists who fell foul of these bollards were too stupid or too intent on taking an unauthorised short cut - which led to a very expensive crunch of metal on metal
There is ample opportunity for human erroron the part of those believing they can pass freely through St Mary's Gate
At certain times of the day - drivers can use this road Bus drivers usually pass unhindered - but as today's story and picture shows - this is not the case either.
The council must go back to the drawing board on this. Too many people have been stumped by these bollards for us to accept this is a case of human fallibility or deliberate intent to do something illegal
Better signage is not enough. A radical change is required
It is time that Manchester's bullyin bollards were given a lesson in better manners